CHIPSET 2023-11-09T23:45:55+00:00 Rifki Suwandi Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>CHIPSET (Journal on Computer Hardware, Signal Processing Embedded System and Networking)</strong>&nbsp;is a scholarly periodical. CHIPSET will publish research papers, technical papers, conceptual papers, and case study reports. This journal is published by<a href=""> Computer Engineering Department</a> at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Andalas</a>, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">One volume of CHIPSET consisted of two editions, which are published in April and October each year. Articles are written in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language) OR English.</p> Rancang Bangun Sistem Analisa Biaya Manfaat Ternak Sapi Berdasarkan Berat Badan Sapi 2023-11-01T07:10:20+00:00 Emyr Riyanda Azra Dodon Yendri Adrizal <p>Cattle fattening proccess is very important to increase the weight of cattle before being sold. However, there are many traditional breeders looking for cows that have reached puberty, but the cow's body is still thin. This could be due to the absence of records in monitoring the weight growth of cows so that feeding becomes less precise. Based on these problems, a system was designed that helps farmers in managing their livestock management by recording the progress of each beef cattle that are kept, regulating cattle feeding so that it is more optimal, and knowing the cost benefits of cattle that are kept based on the growth of cow body weight. This system uses two load cells to weigh cows. The weight of the weighed cow can be stored in the web application database. The main function of this system is to be able to calculate and display the cost of benefits of cattle based on the growth of the cow's body weight. Based on the tests carried out, the system can weight cows using two 500kg load cells with an error value of 3.61%. The system can check cow data using keypad input with an average time of 3.99 seconds and store cattle data in the database with an average time of 4.99 seconds. The system can calculate the cost of cow feed needs in one month and income due to changes in cow weight with a 100% success rate.</p> 2023-10-31T15:14:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Emyr Riyanda Azra, Dodon Yendri, Adrizal Sistem Pemberian Air Dan Pupuk Pada Tanaman Melon Menggunakan Irigasi Tetes 2023-11-01T07:10:00+00:00 Ella Alfareza Tati Erlina <p><em>Melon is one of the high value crops, so it needs to be empowered. Melon growth is closely related to the state of water, soil pH, and nutrients. A mismatch in water content causes stunted growth. Melon grow well in soil with a pH of 6-7, where nutrients are easily absorbed. Human has limitations in watering, fertilising and controlling the pH of the soil manually. Therefore, a system for automatic watering, fertilisation and pH control with drip irrigation is needed. This system uses Arduino Mega2560 as a microcontroller, RTC for scheduling watering and fertiliser, pH sensor for controlling soil pH, water level sensor to measure the contents of the container with notification to Telegram. In this research, the system succeeded in watering and fertilising on schedule with 100% time accuracy, and controlling soil pH with a pH measurement accuracy of 95.57%. The system also successfully detected the solution running out and sent the notification to Telegram. The melon plants grow faster using the system than manually, with a difference in plant height of 1.029 cm on day 7. Thus it can be concluded that the system for automatic watering, fertilising, and pH control of melon plants has been successfully built.</em></p> 2023-10-31T16:31:59+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ella Alfareza, Tati Erlina Rancang Bangun Perangkap Tikus Jenis Falling Floor Trap Menggunakan Dengan Notifikasi Android Berbasis Mikrokontroler 2023-11-01T07:09:39+00:00 Abdul Hamid Budi Rahmadya Arrya Anandika <table width="662"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="393"> <p>This Study aims to create a Falling Floor type&nbsp; of Rats Trap that can automatically catches and kills rats that enter the trap and then, it will send a notification to the user’s phone via telegram chat app also automatically set it back to steady state again once the times given to kill the rat is over by using a sensor while system is controlled by a microcontroller. The system consists several main components that construct the system, first Wemos D1 “a wifi connections ready microcontroller” that controls whole system, an ultrasonic sensor as the main input, it detects the range of the sensor from the rat that enter the trap, the exact range will be determined as the the right condition so that system says a rat is detected, servo motors that used as rat traps mechanic that move each exact part of rat traps, like moves the rat enter‘s door, moves the trap floor, and moves the fences insde the rat cage, and especially systems should be connected to an internet connection by the wemos D1, so that system can sends a notification to user’s phone if a rat caught by the system with overall success rate is 67%.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-10-31T17:36:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Abdul Hamid, Budi Rahmadya, Arrya Anandika Rancang Bangun Kunci Pintu Perpustakaan Otomatis Menggunakan Algoritma Histogram of oriented gradients Berbasis Mini-PC 2023-11-01T07:09:17+00:00 Muhammad Fauzan Azhim Werman Kasoep Desta Yolanda <p>Facial recognition has been a long-standing problem in computer vision. Recently, Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOGs) have been shown to be effective descriptors for object recognition in general and face recognition in particular. In this study, HOGs are used as an algorithm to achieve facial recognition, which aims to recognize the faces of registered students when visiting the library without the need to fill in the attendance list in the visitor book and open the door and lock the door automatically.&nbsp;</p> 2023-10-31T18:36:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Fauzan Azhim, Werman Kasoep, Desta Yolanda Rancang Bangun Sistem Pemberi Minum Lalat BSF (Black Soldier Fly) Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler 2023-11-02T07:14:47+00:00 Putri Utari Ratna Aisuwarya Resti Rahayu <p>The BSF fly (Black Soldier Fly) commonly known as the black soldier fly is an insect whose larvae are widely used as animal feed or commonly known as a maggot. BSF flies only need to drink, and do not eat. BSF fly feeding should be given regularly based on the ambient temperature around the cage. At this time, BSF fly breeders tend to have a busy and congested schedule so the cage spraying schedule is neglected. In addition, human negligence factors such as laziness and forgetting also make the spraying schedule irregular. Spraying of the cage was done manually using a plant sprayer. Therefore, research was conducted on the design of a microcontroller-based BSF fly drinking system. This system can perform automatic spraying of BSF flies based on the high and low temperatures around the cage, as well as provide notifications to the telegram of the BSF fly owner. Based on the study's results, this system detects the temperature around the cage using a DHT22 sensor and then sprays drinking BSF flies with the help of a DC pump. This system can be connected to the internet to send notifications that the cage has been sprayed via the telegram application of the cage owner.</p> 2023-10-31T19:36:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Putri Utari, Ratna Aisuwarya, Resti Rahayu Rancang Bangun Alat Pengembalian Buku Perpustakaan Secara Mandiri Berbasis Single Board Computer 2023-11-05T07:28:22+00:00 Nazri Ilhamzah Akbar Budi Rahmadya Rahmi Eka Putri <p>the process of borrowing and returning library books usually requires a librarian to go through this process, of course this requirement can cause delays in returning books due to library holidays and the difference in free hours from the library and library members. so this research aims to make it easy for library members to be able to return books independently using a storage box that can be done by the system. in this book return box using a raspberry pi 3b+ as a data processing center and using the pi camera to capture the book cover made on the book return box. the security system in this return box uses a selenoid door lock as an automatic door lock which will be routed by a relay and uses rfid as the identity of books, members and librarians. in this study the system can store and return books using the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) method with an accuracy of 95% with a processing time of 6.9s</p> 2023-10-31T20:36:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nazri Ilhamzah Akbar, Budi Rahmadya, Rahmi Eka Putri Rancang Bangun Kotak Obat Pintar Berbasis Mikrokontroler 2023-11-05T07:28:21+00:00 Rahmadatul Fitri Rian Ferdian Rifki Suwandi <p>The increase in the number of chronic diseases and their complications to the increase in mortality (death) caused by the low level of discipline in taking drugs. Errors in taking medication that often occurs are not on time and dose, one way to improve compliance in taking drugs is by using compliance aids such as multi-compartment or the like, based on this, a smart medicine box is made with a system designed using RTC (Real Time Clock) which allows to set the scheduling time which can later be displayed on the device, notifications on the device in the form of reminder alarms and also messages that will enter when the schedule is fulfilled, the system is able to find out whether the drug has been taken or not by utilizing infrared sensor, to find out the drug has run out through the frequency value of the drug set by the user, and also the system can provide notification of the drug running out via message notification. The data obtained from the overall test shows that the system can work according to a schedule set using, the fastest time for sending SMS is 5 seconds with an average delivery time of 9 seconds, the percentage of infrared sensor performance on the device is 91.6%. . The system is capable of storing the set data after the power supply is turned off by accessing the EEPROM memory. So it can be said that this system can work well.</p> 2023-10-31T21:36:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rahmadatul Fitri, Rian Ferdian, Rifki Suwandi Rancang Bangun Sistem Loker Berbasis IoT 2023-11-07T07:38:40+00:00 Deprimadoni Werman Kasoep Nefy Puteri Novani <p>Lockers are one of the most common places for people to store valuables. Storage lockers that are widely used at this time still use manual keys and are still in physical form as locker security, and these lockers have a number on each locker key to indicate that the locker used by the user can be seen on the locker key. This is still prone to theft of items stored in the locker, such as keys that have been dropped or scattered by users which can be used by irresponsible persons to retrieve items stored in the locker.</p> 2023-10-31T22:38:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Deprimadoni, Werman Kasoep, Nefy Puteri Novani Otomatisasi Lampu Belajar Sesuai Prosedur Kesehatan Mata dan Kecerahan Ruangan Berbasis Mikrokontroler 2023-11-09T23:45:55+00:00 Muhammad Dimas Syafputra Budi Rahmadya Rizka Hadelina <p>Penelitian ini dibuat untuk mengotomatisasi lampu belajar sesuai standar kecerahan ruangan dan kesehatan pada mata. Sistem dibuat untuk memudahkan pengguna agar lebih praktis dan fleksibel dengan mendeteksi jarak pengguna dengan menggunakan sensor ultrasonik. Diatur jarak sejauh 45-65 cm sesuai jurnal kesehatan. Sistem dibuat juga untuk mendeteksi keadaan cahaya di ruangan sekitar untuk kontrol intesitas cahaya otomatis. Dengan menggunakan sensor LDR yang di Multimax manual untuk menentukan satuan Lux. Serta dilakukan kontrol PID untuk mengontrol intensitas cahaya dengan nilai setpoint 200. Penentuan konstanta PID menggunakan metode percobaan manual dengan hasil Kp= 5.5, Ki= 0,0125, dan Kd= 0,0125. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan dengan menggunakan otomatisasi lampu belajar dapat membantu menjaga kesehatan mata terhadap jarak dan intensitas cahaya yang masuk. Dimana persentase responden dengan otomatisasi lampu belajar 63,4 % dan tanpa otomatisasi lampu belajar 30%.</p> 2023-10-31T22:40:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Dimas Syafputra, Budi Rahmadya, Rizka Hadelina