<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>CHIPSET (Journal on Computer Hardware, Signal Processing Embedded System and Networking)</strong> is a scholarly periodical. CHIPSET will publish research papers, technical papers, conceptual papers, and case study reports. This journal is published by<a href=""> Computer Engineering Department</a> at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Andalas</a>, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">One volume of CHIPSET consisted of two editions, which are published in April and October each year. Articles are written in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language) OR English.</p>Universitas Andalasen-USCHIPSET2722-4422<p>Please <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click on this link for a detailed copyright notice</a>.</p>Marathi Speech Emotion recognition using Deep Learning techniques.
<p>In the project, an emotion recognition system from speech is proposed using deep learning. The goal of this project is to classify a speech signal into one of the five emotions listed below: anger, boredom, fear, happiness, and sadness. Snippets below from numerous Marathi movies and TV shows were used to construct the dataset for Marathi language samples which include 20 audio samples for anger, 19 for boredom, 5 for fear, and 11 for happiness. The proposed system first processes a speech signal from the time domain to the frequency domain using Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT). Then, data augmentation is performed which includes noise injection, stretching, shifting, and pitch scaling of the speech signal. Next, feature extraction is performed in which 5 features were selected, which include Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), Zero Crossing Rate (ZCR), Chroma STFT, Mel Spectrogram, and Root mean square value. These features were then fed to a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The efficiency of the suggested system employing the CNNs is supported by experimental findings. This model’s accuracy on the test data is 80.33%, and its f1 values for anger, boredom, fear, happiness, and sadness are 0.85, 0.83, 0.50, 0.62, and 0.84, respectively.</p>Akhilesh KetkarDivyansh MishraMadhur NirmalFaizan MullaVaibhav Narawade
Copyright (c) 2024 Akhilesh Ketkar, Divyansh Mishra, Madhur Nirmal, Faizan Mulla, Vaibhav Narawade
<p>Air bersih merupakan kebutuhan pokok dalam kehidupan manusia sehari-hari, Akan tetapi tidak semua orang dapat mendapatkan air bersih. Di Indonesia masih banyak terdapat daerah yang kesulitan mendapatkan air bersih. Menurut [1], terdapat sekitar 6% luas daerah di Indonesia yang mengalami krisis air bersih pada tahun 2000, dimana jumlah ini diprediksi akan terus meningkat menjadi 9,6% di tahun 2045. Berdasarkan data ini setidaknya terdapat peningkatan daerah kritis air bersih sebanyak 0,08% setiap tahunnya. syarat agar air memenuhi standar baku mutu kesehatan adalah memiliki tingkat kekeruhan dengan nilai skala kekeruhan maksimal 25 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit) serta tingkat pH air berada pada angka 6,5-8,5. Karena hal tersebut diperlukan sistem yang dapat menjernihkan air secara otomatis dengan memberikan tawas sesuai dengan takaran yang tepat, dan juga user dapat mendapatkan notifikasi terkait kondisi air pada jarak jauh. Pada sistem untuk meningkatkan kualitas air ini maka sensor turbidity akan digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kekeruhan yang dimiliki air dan sensor pH akan digunakan unutk mengukur tingkat pH dari air. Berdasarkan hasil dari kedua sensor ini cairan tawas akan diberikan untuk menjernihkan air dan cairan pH up/pH down diberikan untuk mengatur tingkatan pH air agar sesuai dengan standar baku kesehatan.</p>Fauzi AkbarTati ErlinaRizka Hadelina
Copyright (c) 2024 Fauzi Akbar, Tati Erlina, Rizka Hadelina
2024-04-302024-04-3050151010.25077/chipset.5.01.5-10.2024Kendali Navigasi Senjata Water Gel Blaster Laras Panjang Berbasis Mini PC
<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sistem kendali navigasi senjata ayang <br>akan dikontrol melalui webserver yang terhubung ke alat didalam satu jaringan <br>yang sama, dengan adanya perkembangan dari hiburan video game First Person <br>Shooter dan juga senjata untuk dapat meneliti dalam perkembangan senjata. Jadi <br>dari hal tersebut, penulis ingin membuat sistem yang dapat menambah <br>pengaplikasian dari perkembangan tersebut. menggunakan Single Board <br>Computer yang akan terkoneksi antar komponen mulai dari Motor Stepper, <br>Motor Servo, Camera dan Sensor Kompas. alat akan bekerja dengan sistem <br>kontrol remote control untuk menggerakan alat mengarah vertikal dan<br>horizonta</p>Jaka Wira ClaraRian Ferdian
Copyright (c) 2024 Jaka Wira Clara, Rian Ferdian
2024-04-302024-04-30501111910.25077/chipset.5.01.11-19.2024Rancang Bangun Sistem Keamanan Helm dan Berkendara Berbasis Mikrokontroler
<p>As a two-wheeled vehicle user, a problem that often occurs in the community is the loss of helmets when placed in the parking lot. This can happen due to lack of attention from security personnel at the parking location. Riders who do not use helmets can endanger themselves in the event of an accident. In addition to the use of helmets, speed in driving is one factor that needs to be considered because it has the potential to endanger yourself or others. This study aims to anticipate the occurrence of helmet theft and also provide safety in driving using survey research methods to determine the percentage of ease of use by users. Where the system designed consists of 4 functions, namely, detection of helmet location using the MQTT protocol where if the helmet position with the vehicle has a large distance of 40m then the helmet is detected to have been stolen so that it will issue a warning in the form of sound. The second system is vehicle speed detection using anemometer sensors, if the vehicle is detected to have a large speed of 50km / h then the helmet will issue a sound warning so that the driver can reduce driving speed. The third system is face detection around the helmet using ESP32-Cam, where if the helmet detects an unknown face through the face recognition feature with a distance of 15cm to 60cm from the helmet, the ESP32-Cam will take pictures. The last system is taking pictures periodically to find out the situation around the helmet. Based on research using a questionnaire with 30 samplers, a percentage of 74.95% was obtained, which means that the helmet is easy to use.</p>Syukurillah Paradiqma DemitaDodon YendriRifki Suwandi
Copyright (c) 2024 Syukurillah Paradiqma Demita, Dodon Yendri, Rifki Suwandi
2024-04-302024-04-30501203410.25077/chipset.5.01.20-34.2024Sistem Pemberian Pakan Hamster Otomatis berbasis Mikrokontroler
<p>This research aims to create an automatic hamster feeder system at night following the nocturnal nature of hamsters. The system will be given a command in the form of a message via the Telegram messaging application to fill the hamster's weight which will be calculated as a calculation of the hamster's daily feed portion. The nature of hamsters which are generally nocturnal, in contrast to humans who usually rest at night, makes it difficult for humans to feed their hamsters at night regularly. The daily portion of hamster food is around 0.11 times the hamster's body weight and this provision must be appropriate not to cause obesity in the hamster. Based on these circumstances, this research is proposed as a solution to this problem. After filling the hamster's weight information, the system will calculate the hamster's daily food weight and when the sensor catches that the hamster approaching the system, the system will immediately open the servo motor to pour the hamster food.</p>Farah Nurul AuliaRatna Aisuwarya
Copyright (c) 2024 Farah Nurul Aulia, Ratna Aisuwarya
2024-04-302024-04-30501353910.25077/chipset.5.01.35-39.2024Prototype of Monitoring System for Power Absorption and Solar Panel Maintenance on Website-Based Solar Power Plant
<p>Solar power plants (PLTS) are a source of electrical energy that will never run out and will not damage the environment. PLTS is an alternative energy source when an electricity supply has not reached an area or has no commonly used power generation source, such as gas or water. In PLTS, solar panels are devices that need to be considered to maintain the performance of solar panels on PLTS. Several things must be considered, as solar panels must be protected from dust and dirt that can block sunlight. Solar panels should also not dry themselves after being wet with water because there will be traces of water left behind. Moisture on the surface of solar cells significantly reduces cell performance due to the disruption of the absorption and refraction of sunlight. To overcome this problem, the author proposes to design a system that can monitor the absorption of power carried out by solar panels and perform maintenance on solar panels in the form of cleaning from dust and dirt automatically and helping to dry after the rain subsides on the surface of solar panels. This system is integrated with the website so that officers can monitor through the monitoring website interface. This designed system can optimize power absorption on solar panels and help officers know the results of power absorption by solar panels.</p>Melly Wasilah AnandaDesta YolandaArrya Anandika
Copyright (c) 2024 Melly Wasilah Ananda, Desta Yolanda
2024-04-302024-04-30501404810.25077/chipset.5.01.40-48.2024Rancang Bangun Pengemasan Produk Kacang Goreng Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler
<p><em>The working system of this Automatic Fried Bean Product Packaging tool uses Arduino Mega2560 as a microcontroller, then </em><em>a </em><em>screw on the funnel to </em><em>accelerate </em><em> the descent of the product into the packaging</em> <em>plastic and prevent blockages, infrared</em> <em>sensors to detect product availability in </em><em>storage</em><em> containers. </em><em>The t</em><em>ool made us</em><em>es</em><em> volume measurements to minimize error on the scales using </em><em>a </em><em>load cell</em> <em>sensors.</em> <em>The type of research used in making the final assignment is action research</em> <em>which is carried out carefully, logically and systematically. The conclusions </em><em>of</em><em> this research are (1) The system can detect the supply of fried </em><em>peanuts</em><em> in the funnel/silo using infrared FC-51</em> <em>sensor with a distance range of 1 – 8 cm. (2) The system can read </em><em>the</em><em> mass </em><em>input </em><em>selected by user</em><em>,</em><em> namely 75 g, 100 g, and 150 g with</em><em> a</em><em> push button and displayed </em><em>through the</em><em> LCD. (3) The system can fill </em><em>the </em><em>fried peanuts into packages according to the mass that has been set </em><em>through </em><em>the KY-008 laser sensor and laser receiver, using the </em><em>tube</em><em> volume formula with a percentage</em> <em>error of 4.5% for a mass of 75 grams, 3.83% for a mass of 100 grams, and 5.41% for a mass of 150 grams. (4) The system can </em><em>perform the</em><em> packag</em><em>e</em><em> closing process using servo motors, heating elements, and stepper motors. The</em><em> duration of</em><em> time required </em><em>by</em><em> the heating element </em><em>in gluing</em><em> the plastic </em><em>ranges from</em><em> 3 to 4 seconds.</em></p>Yusni HasanahNefy Puteri Novani
Copyright (c) 2024 Yusni Hasanah, Nefy Puteri Novani
2024-04-302024-04-30501495710.25077/chipset.5.01.49-57.2024Sistem Kontrol Kadar Amonia Dan Tinggi Air Pada Kolam Penangkaran Tukik Penyu
<p>Turtles are also one of the animals whose population is decreasing day by day<br>due to several factors ranging from climate change, disease, environmental<br>damage and inadequate processing of conservation techniques and so on. With<br>the status of turtles being endangered, special attention is needed for turtles in<br>the form of cultivating turtles, especially when the turtles are still 0-2 years old<br>or known as hatchlings. One of the important indicators in hatchling cultivation<br>requires good seawater quality management. One of the parameters of good<br>seawater quality is ammonia levels. This ammonia level can be formed naturally<br>by metabolic wastes and also food waste that decomposes in the water which<br>results in the formation of ammonia levels. In turtle hatchling ponds it is also<br>necessary to adjust the water level in the pond with a height of 5cm - 10cm<br>because newborn hatchlings cannot dive. The importance of regular water<br>quality control such as ammonia levels and water level in ponds is very<br>important for the success of hatchling cultivation. Therefore, a research on<br>monitoring and controlling systems for ammonia levels and water levels using<br>the TCS3200 color sensor is carried out to read the change in water color after<br>administration of an ammonia test solution which will show the value of<br>ammonia levels in water. Previously, water sampling was carried out by DC<br>pumps and ultrasonic sensors to detect water level. Where this system can<br>monitor and control ammonia levels and height automatically and the results<br>can be viewed using a smartphone through the Blynk application</p>Riego Pitos HababilBudi Rahmadya
Copyright (c) 2024 Riego Pitos Hababil, Budi Rahmadya
<p>Industries in Indonesia currently have a high rate of work accidents. Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) noted that in 2021 there were 82,000 cases of work accidents of which 88% were caused by unsafe actions and 12% were caused by unsafe conditions. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is one of the safety protocols that is often ignored at work. Image Processing is part of Artificial Intelligence and one of the technology developments that can be used in supervising the use of PPE workers, You Only Look Once (YOLO) is a method in image processing that can detect workers' PPE. The research is aimed at supervising the use of PPE (Safety Helmet and Safety Shoes) from workers and providing real-time warnings when workers do not use PPE completely. This research will utilize hardware in the form of a webcam, raspberry pi, speakers, and servers. As for the software, YOLOv4 will be used as a method of detecting PPE for workers and the website as a medium of information for violations committed.</p>Pungky Irlan HidayatRahmi Eka PutriBudi Rahmadya
Copyright (c) 2024 Pungky Irlan Hidayat, Rahmi Eka Putri, Budi Rahmadya