Rancang Bangun Kotak Obat Pintar Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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Rahmadatul Fitri
Rian Ferdian
Rifki Suwandi


The increase in the number of chronic diseases and their complications to the increase in mortality (death) caused by the low level of discipline in taking drugs. Errors in taking medication that often occurs are not on time and dose, one way to improve compliance in taking drugs is by using compliance aids such as multi-compartment or the like, based on this, a smart medicine box is made with a system designed using RTC (Real Time Clock) which allows to set the scheduling time which can later be displayed on the device, notifications on the device in the form of reminder alarms and also messages that will enter when the schedule is fulfilled, the system is able to find out whether the drug has been taken or not by utilizing infrared sensor, to find out the drug has run out through the frequency value of the drug set by the user, and also the system can provide notification of the drug running out via message notification. The data obtained from the overall test shows that the system can work according to a schedule set using, the fastest time for sending SMS is 5 seconds with an average delivery time of 9 seconds, the percentage of infrared sensor performance on the device is 91.6%. . The system is capable of storing the set data after the power supply is turned off by accessing the EEPROM memory. So it can be said that this system can work well.

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How to Cite
FitriR., FerdianR., and SuwandiR., “Rancang Bangun Kotak Obat Pintar Berbasis Mikrokontroler”, chipset, vol. 4, no. 02, pp. 168-180, Oct. 2023.


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