Rancang Bangun Sistem Loker Berbasis IoT

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Werman Kasoep
Nefy Puteri Novani


Lockers are one of the most common places for people to store valuables. Storage lockers that are widely used at this time still use manual keys and are still in physical form as locker security, and these lockers have a number on each locker key to indicate that the locker used by the user can be seen on the locker key. This is still prone to theft of items stored in the locker, such as keys that have been dropped or scattered by users which can be used by irresponsible persons to retrieve items stored in the locker.

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How to Cite
Deprimadoni, KasoepW., and Puteri NovaniN., “Rancang Bangun Sistem Loker Berbasis IoT”, chipset, vol. 4, no. 02, pp. 181-190, Oct. 2023.


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