Monitoring System of Condition and Position of The Driver Based on The Internet of Things
Main Article Content
The high rate of accidents caused by human error is still a problem faced in
Indonesia. Road accidents caused by fatigue and drowsiness are very serious
problems that cause thousands of road accidents every year. This research aims
to create a system that can help prevent accidents caused by the driver's
condition. The system consists of three main components, namely embedded
systems, real-time databases, and mobile applications. The embedded system
consists of the Arduino Uno, Pulse Sensor, GPS Module, Push Button, and
NodeMCU. Based on the tests performed, the system can distinguish male and
female drivers based on the input of the Push Button received. The system reads
the driver's heart rate using a Pulse Sensor and monitors the driver's condition
(normal, abnormal, and sleepy) on a straight road with an average error of
1.69%. The system gets the driver's location using the GPS Module with the
closest error distance is 13.54 meters, and the farthest error distance is 18.66
meters from the actual location. And the system can display data on real-time
databases and mobile applications, as well as send Telegram notifications to the
driver's family smartphone via NodeMCU ith the fastest time difference is 5
seconds and the longest time is 8 seconds in good internet conditions
Article Details
– Balongbendo. Jurnal Teknik Sipil Kern. Vol. 2, No. 2, hlm. 73-84.
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