Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendeteksi Kecelakaan Dan Tracking Lokasi Mobil Berbasis Android
This system is designed to know a car accident has happened and also to track a car location,
when the accident happened, the system will send accident’s location data to user/family
Android application. Thus, user/family knows the accident and they can call the authorities or
ambulance as soon as possible to help accident’s victim. This system uses some components
such as Arduino Uno as a microcontroller, accelerometer sensor MMA7361 as an acceleration
detector, SIM808 Module as a GSM/GPRS network provider and also as GPS sensor. This
system tracks the car’s location continuously then the location will be displayed on maps of
Android application in the form of a blue marker. Based on this research the acceleration
values of x-axis and y-axis of the accelerometer which are included in the accident category,
which is ≥9g, when an accident occurs the system will send an accident notification to
Android application and displayed on maps of Android application in the form of a red
marker, to inticipate of no internet connection an SMS with Google maps’s link of accident
location is also sent to the user/family.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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