Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Pertumbuhan Sayuran di Dalam Ruangan Dengan Sistem Tanam Aeroponik

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Fuad El Khair
Rian Ferdian


Vegetables are the commodity that consumed daily by people as the source of nutrition. But in its cultivations, the farmer uses production input such as fertilizers and pesticides that could bring bad impact to consumer's health. For that reason, planting in on our own is one of the best solutions to get vegetables with good quality, clean, and good for health. But the limitation of lands become a new problem in planting our vegetables at home. To solve this problem, the writers made a vegetable growth control system that use aeroponic planting system. This planting system is one way to plant vegetables in the air without using lands. In this system, the writer did temperature control, moist control, spraying nutrients, and built a lighting system. Components that applied for this system are HC-SR04 sensor to detect the height of the remaining nutrient fluid, DHT22 sensor to identify the value of temperature and moisture, grow LED light as the substitute of sunlight in the night for the photosynthesis process, and a  fan  to  keep  the  temperature  in  the  planting  room  stay  in  the  optimal temperature. In conventional planting, it takes about 40-60 days for a plant to grow, meanwhile aeroponic farming is faster and takes about 30-40 days. The research shows that plants that used the devices in planting reach the height of 22,24 cm, meanwhile the highest height for the plant that used conventional way is 14 cm. Factors that affect plant growth are weather, temperature, air moisture, and lighting.

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How to Cite
El KhairF. and FerdianR., “Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Pertumbuhan Sayuran di Dalam Ruangan Dengan Sistem Tanam Aeroponik”, chipset, vol. 1, no. 01, pp. 5-9, Apr. 2020.


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